belief (again)

been way too scrambled to put together an ace/christianity zine contribution, but had a like, *Bing* yesterday of ~categories

  1. things i find comforting to believe, and (so therefore?) do
  2. things i would find comforting to believe, if only i could, but i don’t/can’t
  3. things i find discouraging to believe, and (so therefore?) don’t
  4. things i find discouraging to believe, yet do anyway (and perhaps would like not to?)

[suicide talk]

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Sociologists have identified a common belief in a “religious convergence” during the twentieth century, which posits America as a nation of diverse religious views that nonetheless yield consensus on basic values — what researchers have termed the “common creed.”  Under this theory, people express hostility toward atheists because they disrupt this emerging narrative. (Leong, “Negative Identity,” 1379; bolding mine)

I really love this quote.  I want to eat it and digest it over and over.

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